In 2019, WEIPR’s client has successively received notices of provisional refusal of the Madrid international registration of “HUANGHELOU” from multiple European national offices on the grounds that it is identical and similar to two EU trademarks previously registered by a British Virgin Islands company.
As is known to all that HUANGHELOU cigarette is a long-standing product of Wuhan Cigarette Factory and have been exported overseas for many years. Whether it is a British Virgin Islands company or other applicants, it’s reasonable to question their prior registration as an unfair trademark squatting behavior. Therefore, WEIPR suggested the client apply for revocation or request invalidation of identical or similar trademarks. Regarding the two EU trademarks previously registered by the British Virgin Islands company, WEIPR believed that the registrant is unlikely to use the trademark, and applying for revocation is an effective way.
Entrusted by the client, WEIPR filed an application for revocation with the European Bureau in August 2020. As expected, the trademark registrant failed to submit evidence of using the “HUANGHELOU” trademark. In March and June 2021, the European Union Intellectual Property Office made decisions to revoke the registration of trademarks No. 140113XX “HUANGHELOU and image” and No. 140112XX “HUANGHELO” respectively.
【EU Trademark Cancelation】

【EU Trademark 2 Cancelation】