WEIPR Updates
IP News
- 2025-01-17
- Israel Adjusts the Fees Payable under the PCT
- The Israel Patent Office has notified the International Bureau of a new amount of fees payable to the Office under the PCT in its capacity as receiving Office, International Searching Authority, and International Preliminary...
- 2025-01-17
- The Individual Designation Fee Under Hague Agreement Concerning Republic of Moldova is Reducing
- In accordance with Rule 28(2)(d) of the Regulations Under the Geneva Act (1999) of the Hague Agreement, the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has established the following new amounts,...
- 2025-01-17
- CIPO is Launching Pilot Project on Registrar-Initiated Non-Use Trademark Expungement Proceeding
- Pursuant to the authority under section 45 of the Trademarks Act (the Act), the Canadian Trademarks Opposition Board (TMOB) is starting a pilot project whereby the Registrar of Trademarks (the Registrar) will proactively send...
- 2025-01-10
- Hong Kong Updated on Absolute Grounds for Refusal of Trade Marks
- The Trade Marks Registry of IPD HKSDR has made significant updates to the Chapter on the “Absolute Grounds for refusal” in its Trade Marks Registry Work Manual. It has been revised to elaborate the Registry’s examin...
- 2025-01-10
- Update on Official Industrial Property Fees in Vietnam for 2025
- Return to Normal FeesAccording to Notice No. 4090/TB-SHTT, issued on 31 December 2024, by the Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam, the policy of a 50% reduction in certain Industrial Property (IP) fees will end on 1...
- 2025-01-10
- Revised Patent Term Extension System in Korea: Implications for the Pharmaceutical Industry
- BackgroundUnlike patent systems in other countries, under the previous Korean Patent Act, there was no time limit from the marketing approval date for patent term extensions for pharmaceutical patents, and there were no restrictions on...