Based on publicly available information, Libyan yearly trademark renewal official fee for international trademark owners has been established at USD 2,000 per year, according to Economy and Commerce Ministerial Resolution No. 586 of 2024, which goes into effect on November 27, 2024 and was reaffirmed in a meeting with Ministry officials on February 3, 2025. For the complete ten-year renewal period, trademark owners can choose to pay this cost in a flat sum of USD 20,000 or annually. The first installment, if paid in installments, is due during renewal, and the remaining installments are payable every year after that.
The ten-year renewal term and fees are the same whether the application is submitted inside the final year of the protection period or within the six-month grace period for late renewal after the protection period has ended. It is important to remember that the renewal action will be posted on the TM office's electronic publication system before a renewal certificate is granted.