l Brazil
1. The National Institute of Industrial Property (Brazil) has notified the International Bureau of a change in its location and mailing address, which is now as follows:
RuaMayrinkVeiga9, 20oandar, Centro, Rio de Janeiro (RJ–CEP20.090-910), Brazil
2. The National Institute of Industrial Property (Brazil) has notified the International Bureau of a change concerning the number of copies of an international application required by it, if the application is filed on paper – one copy must now be filed, instead of three.
l Qatar
The Intellectual Property Department (Qatar) has notified the International Bureau of changes to its e-mail addresses, which are now as follows:
E-mail: malnoaimi@moci.gov.qa
l Austria
The Austrian Patent Office has notified the International Bureau of new amounts of the search fee (PCT Rule 16.1(a)) and the additional search fee (PCT Rule 40.2(a)), in euros (EUR), payable to it as International Searching Authority. These amounts, applicable from 1 July 2024, are EUR 1,845 each.
This fee is reduced by 75% where the applicant, or, if there are two or more applicants, each applicant is a natural person and is a national of and resides in a State for which the Austrian Patent Office is an International Searching Authority.
l Japan
Pursuant to PCT Rule 16.1(d), new equivalent amounts in euros (EUR) have been established for the search fee for an international search carried out by the Japan Patent Office (JPO). These amounts, applicable from 1 August 2024, are EUR 841 for international applications filed in Japanese or for which a translation into Japanese has been furnished under PCT Rule 12.3 (This fee is reduced for applications by applicants who are eligible for fee reductions, such as small or medium-sized enterprises, micro enterprises and academic institutions. For further details on the eligibility, refer to https://www.jpo.go.jp/system/process/tesuryo/genmen/genmen20190401/document/index/leaflet_e.pdf), and EUR 994 for international applications filed in English or for which a translation into English has been furnished under PCT Rule 12.3.