1. With effect from 1 July 2024, the EPO Office will discontinue the use of its facsimile services and will no longer accept the filing of international applications and other documents by means of facsimile (fax). Patent applications or other documents transmitted by fax to the Office on or after 1 July 2024 will be deemed not to have been received.
2. Pursuant to PCT Rule 16.1(d), new equivalent amounts in Swiss francs (CHF) have been established for the search fee for an international search carried out by the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO). These amounts, applicable from 1 July 2024, are CHF 88 for searches carried out in Russian, and CHF 391 for searches carried out in English.
3. Pursuant to PCT Rule 16.1(d), new equivalent amounts in Swiss francs (CHF) have been established for the search fee for an international search carried out by the Indian Patent Office. These amounts, applicable from 1 July 2024, are CHF 109, or CHF 27 in the case of filing by a natural person, startup, small entity or an educational institution.