Fees | Year 2023 (TL) | Year 2024 (TL) | Rise rate |
Patent |
Filing fee | 26.78 | 45.75 | 71% |
Request fee for priority rights (For each right request) | 136.95 | 220.75 | 61% |
Extension fee | 228.81 | 366.67 | 60% |
Renewal fee for the 2nd year | 323.73 | 516.50 | 60% |
Renewal fee for the 3rd year | 340.68 | 541.50 | 59% |
Renewal fee for the 4th year | 476.27 | 758.17 | 59% |
Renewal fee for the 5th year | 900 | 1424.83 | 58% |
Renewal fee for the 6th year | 1281.36 | 2033.17 | 59% |
Renewal fee for the 7th year | 1484.75 | 2349.83 | 58% |
Renewal fee for the 8th year | 1722.03 | 2724.83 | 58% |
Renewal fee for the 9th year | 1916.95 | 3041.50 | 59% |
Renewal fee for the 10th year | 2145.76 | 3399.83 | 58% |
Renewal fee for the 11th year | 2501.69 | 3966.50 | 59% |
Renewal fee for the 12th year | 2993.22 | 4741.50 | 58% |
Renewal fee for the 13th year | 3527.12 | 5591.50 | 59% |
Renewal fee for the 14th year | 4061.02 | 6433.17 | 58% |
Renewal fee for the 15th year | 4747.46 | 7524.83 | 59% |
Renewal fee for the 16th year | 5238.98 | 8299.83 | 58% |
Renewal fee for the 17th year | 5874.58 | 9308.17 | 58% |
Renewal fee for the 18th year | 6315.25 | 10008.17 | 58% |
Renewal fee for the 19th year | 6688.14 | 10599.83 | 58% |
Renewal fee for the 20th year | 6993.22 | 11083.17 | 58% |
Filing fee - entry national phase (PCT) | 4915.25 | 7791.67 | 59% |
Fee for restoration | 4855.93 | 7691.67 | 58% |
Opposition fee | 1508.47 | 2391.67 | 59% |